The Drop Shot – February Edition


Welcome to the February edition of the Drop Shot. Whilst January felt it would never end, February seems to have flown by in the blink of an eye! There was lots going on in the club, with the courts as busy as ever

Wednesday Box League was a great success. We had 5 teams of 6 players competing on Wednesday evenings followed by drinks in the bar afterwards, always my favourite part of the evening!

Team B emerged as the overall winner (despite me being on the team). You can check out the results on our website. The overwhelming opinion from those involved was that this was a great success and so Jim has kindly agreed to run another larger event later in the year when the dome is down and we have 6 courts. So if you missed out this time, you’ll get another chance to get involved.

The Irish Masters National Indoor Championship 2023 were held this month in Ulster. With players from all over Ireland competing in their relevant age categories, it was great to see so many CI players competing. A special mention must go to Paddy Brockerton who was undefeated in both his doubles and singles events for the over 80s. He really is an inspiration! The final of the Over 40s singles event was between our 2 coaches Johnny and Stevie with Johnny taking the title. Congratulations to everyone who took part.

If an Irish National Tournament is too daunting for you but you are wanting to play a bit more competitive tennis, please consider playing for one of our league teams. The committee would really like to get the club back to competing and winning league titles. Jim has sheets on the club noticeboard if you want to put your name down but he is urgently looking for Ladies to play Mixed League.

Finally, our Captains Quiz Night last Wednesday was a fantastic success with the Greeves Room full to the brim! It was incredible to see this event, which was being held to raise funds for our VI@CI tennis programme, being so well supported by our members. A big thankyou to our Captains Chris & Liz, our Quiz Masters Denis and Tracy and also to Dot for helping with the catering.
We had an amazing 21 Teams entered with the “Cupid Stunts” emerging victorious. Read that slowly!
We raised at total of £1200 for our VI@CI tennis programme and Mel Stewart our Outreach officer and VI tennis player has passed on her thanks to everyone in the club for your support.

So what’s Coming Up?
The next tournament is the captains St Patricks Day tournament on Saturday 18th March. Tennis and Stew! Entries are now open via Acebook – so get entering!


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